• Feb 12, 2020

Achieve a Clutter-Free Home: BlueKeyWorld's Decluttering Tips

remove clutter

Removing clutter from your home can be a daunting task. If you don’t keep up with getting rid of “stuff” as you get more “stuff”, such as mail, paperwork, magazines, clothes, shoes or items sitting around your house, things will keep accumulating and piling up, and your house will become more and more cluttered.

There are ways to remove clutter and have a less clutter home so your home will be welcoming and relaxing. You should obtain three large boxes and mark each one. One should say, keep; the second, sell; and the third, throw away. Now you’re ready to get started. Make three piles on the floor, then decide which pile goes in each of the marked boxes. Set a time limit and take a break every once in a while, so you will not get stressed.

What is clutter a sign of? Keep your home nice and clear

Household clutter is a common problem that can make your home feel disorganized and overwhelming. It can be a sign of a variety of issues, such as lack of plan or design in your storage spaces, too much stuff you don’t need, or not designating a proper spot for your belongings. Building a plan for decluttering your home is the first step in eliminating clutter and making your home look uncluttered and minimalist. Start by sorting through everything in one spot, such as a drawer or bin, and then designate a home for each item. If there are items you no longer need or use, get rid of them by putting them in a trash bag, recycling, or donating them.

10 quick and easy decluttering projects that can help you make a huge difference in your home include clearing your kitchen table, corral your junk mail, receipts and other paper clutter, emptying your dresser of clothes you never wear, and getting rid of anything you haven’t used in a year or more. One of the easiest ways to eliminate clutter is to restrict yourself to one storage bin or one spot in every room, which forces you to make decisions about what to keep and what needs to go.

Clear bins are a great way to see what’s inside, and labeling them will help you find what you need to access quickly. Folders with labels are also useful for organizing paperwork and other items that clutter seems to accumulate around. Once you’ve removed everything that doesn’t have a home or you no longer need, put things away where they belong, and give them to a friend or donate them if they need to go.

Getting rid of junk and clutter can make room for new items or a more organized space. Clean out your cleaning supplies and get creative with storage solutions. Sometimes the things you need to declutter are stored somewhere else, so take a minute to see what you might have forgotten.

The benefits of decluttering your home are numerous, including reduced stress levels, increased productivity, and a cleaner, more organized living space. Decluttering projects can be overwhelming, but by taking it one step at a time and giving yourself time to get rid of things, you can achieve an uncluttered home. You may be surprised at how much clutter you can eliminate by simply putting things away, organizing, and finding a new home for unused items.

In conclusion, getting rid of clutter means removing everything that doesn’t have a home or you no longer need, and putting away items you use regularly in a designated spot. The cluttered room is often a sign of disorganization or too much stuff, and decluttering forces you to make decisions about what is important. By using clear bins, labels, and storage solutions, you can make the most of your space and see the benefits of an uncluttered home. Whether you need to declutter an entire room or just one storage bin, there are decluttering projects to help you get started and make a difference in your home.
Clutter could be a sign that you don’t like to deal with various aspects of your life. Getting more and more stuff may be soothing to you, but then gets out of control and piles up. One pair of shoes, becomes ten pairs of shoes; one kitchen item becomes many more kitchen items that you don’t need; mail is not dealt with and piles up; magazines are read, but never thrown away; and on and on. Clutter could mask a deeper problem in your life.

Where to start decluttering your home

Decluttering your home can feel like a daunting task, but once you get started, it can be a liberating experience. One of the first steps in decluttering is to identify the areas in your home that need attention. It’s easy to let clutter build up in certain areas, such as the kitchen counter, entryway table, or closet. Start with a small area or room that you use frequently, and work your way through the rest of the house.

An organizer can be a helpful tool to keep your belongings in order and prevent them from taking up too much space. When decluttering, consider items that you can’t find or don’t use regularly, as they may be taking up valuable space. Once you’ve identified items you don’t need, you can decide whether to donate them or dispose of them altogether.

Sometimes the hardest part of decluttering is deciding what to keep and what to get rid of. It’s common to hold on to items that you think you’ll need someday, but this can lead to unnecessary clutter. To make the process easier, create a designated area for items you’re unsure about and come back to them later this month.

Items in boxes can also be a source of clutter in your home. Take the time to sort through them and put them away in a designated spot. Think about items you might have duplicates of or don’t need, and put them aside to donate or dispose of.

Trying to declutter can be overwhelming, especially if you’re not sure where to start. Enlist the help of family or friends to make the process easier. Having an extra set of hands can make all the difference, and you’ll be surprised at how quickly you can see progress.

Once you’ve identified items you want to keep, put them away in a designated spot to prevent them from taking up space in other parts of your home. And if you do come across items that you thought you had lost, put them back where they belong.

Half the battle of decluttering is getting started, so take it one step at a time. Start with a small area and see how many items you can sort through in a set amount of time. You may be surprised at how quickly you can make progress.

In conclusion, decluttering your home can be a transformative experience. By identifying problem areas, using organizers, and sorting through your belongings, you can create a more organized and stress-free living space. Remember, it’s okay to need some help, and it’s important to take the time to put things away in their designated spot. By taking the first step and decluttering a small part of your home, you can see the benefits of an organized and clutter-free space.
You start with one room at a time. Choosing a room that is less cluttered will help you see progress being made more quickly. This will help give you incentive as you move from room to room and see less clutter home.

How do you declutter a small apartment?

Living in a small apartment can be challenging, especially when it comes to keeping your space clutter-free. But with some simple tips and tricks, decluttering a small apartment can be a manageable task. Here are some ways to keep your small apartment organized and clutter-free.

The first step in decluttering a small apartment is to think about what you really need and what you might be able to live without. In a small space, every item you own takes up valuable real estate. Start by going through each room and assessing what you use regularly and what you don't. You may be surprised at how much stuff you thought you needed, but you actually don't.

Once you have identified the items you don't need, it's time to start organizing. The key to decluttering a small apartment is to create designated spaces for each item you own. Use storage solutions like baskets, shelves, and under-bed storage to maximize your space. Consider using multi-purpose furniture, like a storage ottoman or a bed with built-in drawers, to save even more space.

Another way to declutter a small apartment is to get creative with your storage solutions. Think about using vertical space, like hanging shelves or a pegboard, to store items like pots and pans, jewelry, or office supplies. Use the back of your doors for hanging organizers for shoes, cleaning supplies, or accessories.

In a small apartment, every surface counts. Be mindful of what you put on display and what you put away. An uncluttered home becomes more peaceful and visually appealing. Consider using minimalism to guide your design choices.

When it comes to decluttering a small apartment, it's important to stay on top of things. Make a habit of putting things away after you use them and avoid letting things pile up. Take a few minutes each day to tidy up and you'll find that your apartment stays clutter-free.

In conclusion, decluttering a small apartment may seem daunting, but it's all about creating designated spaces and staying organized. Be mindful of what you own and get creative with your storage solutions. Remember to put things away after you use them and avoid letting things pile up. By following these tips, you can turn your small apartment into a clutter-free oasis.

It is more difficult to declutter a small apartment because there is not much storage space, but it can be done with some ingenuity. You can put up shelves and use baskets to keep things in order. Purchasing decorative boxes, that match your décor, are attractive to look at and keep items hidden. Storage ottomans look nice in your living room and keep extra blankets out of sight. If you notice you’re not using something for a period of time, get rid of it sooner than later, to keep things from accumulating.

How do you remove clutter from a room and a closet? Decluttering tips

Removing clutter from a room or closet can feel overwhelming, but with some decluttering tips, it doesn't have to be. The first step is to think about what you might be able to live without. Here are some tips to help you get started.

In a room, start by removing everything from surfaces like shelves, tables, and countertops. This will allow you to see everything you own and assess what you need and what you don't. Think about what you use regularly and what you don't. If you haven't used something in a while, consider donating or selling it. By getting rid of the things you don't use, you'll create more space and make it easier to keep your room tidy.

When it comes to decluttering a closet, start by taking everything out and laying it on your bed. Sort through your clothes and accessories and think about what you wear regularly and what you don't. If you haven't worn something in a year or more, it's probably time to let it go. Be honest with yourself and only keep the things you love and that fit well. Consider donating or selling clothes that are in good condition but no longer serve you.

One of the easiest ways to remove clutter from a room or closet is to corral small items in bins or drawers. Use clear bins so you can see what's inside and label them so you know what's in each one. This is especially helpful for items like socks, underwear, and accessories.

Another way to remove clutter from a room or closet is to designate a specific spot for everything. When you know where everything belongs, it's easier to put things away and avoid clutter. Use drawer dividers to keep clothes and accessories organized and use hooks or hangers to hang items like bags or scarves.

Finally, when you're decluttering a room or closet, it's important to take your time. Don't try to do everything at once. Instead, break the task into smaller chunks and work on it over time. This will help you avoid feeling overwhelmed and make the task more manageable.

In conclusion, removing clutter from a room or closet doesn't have to be a daunting task. Start by thinking about what you might be able to live without and use clear bins and designated spots to keep everything organized. Take your time and work on the task over time to avoid feeling overwhelmed. By following these decluttering tips, you can create a more organized and clutter-free space.

Declutter the room, as explained before, with three piles. Once you’ve gone through the three piles and decide what to keep, find a place for everything so you can find things easily. Examples are: in the kitchen, keep items handy that are used frequently and keep pens, pencils and paper by your phone; in the bathroom, throw out old cosmetics and use baskets for towels and small trays for toiletries; and if you have a sewing/arts and crafts room, keep only the items you need for the sewing and crafts you like to make.


If you have trouble decluttering and knowing what to get rid of, don’t keep items you haven’t used or keep clothes you haven’t worn for more than a year, or at the most, two years.
Hopefully the ideas presented will help you, and you can be free of clutter.

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