• Jul 24, 2020

What Does a Messy Desk Say About You? Clean Desk as a Sign of Productivity

home office


Some people cringe at the thought of a workspace covered in papers, pens and clutter. Other people thrive in a messy environment. Having an organized workspace helps many people be more productive. A nice, clean area also looks nicer than a messy one. We'll answer some of your biggest questions about a messy workspace.


 What does it mean if you have a messy desk? Clean desk ideas

Having a messy desk isn't necessarily a bad thing, according to several experiments conducted by researchers. While the phrase "cleanliness is next to godliness" may lead some to believe that a tidy workspace is crucial to productivity, the state of your desk is more subjective than it may seem. Some people may feel more comfortable and productive in a cluttered workspace, while others prefer an organized and tidy room. The messiness of your workplace may also say a lot about your personality and work style. Ultimately, whether you prefer a messy or organized desk, the most important thing is that you feel comfortable and productive while you're working.


There is no cut and dry answer to this question. If you have a messy workspace, you may just be messy. You may not care about working around the debris. Some people simply cannot clear their mind in a messy work area. If you're a neat freak, your area may be perfectly clean. You might put papers away as soon as they cross your keyboard. There's an actual method to everyone's way of working. Some people are too busy to clear away paperwork and trash as it accumulates during the day. Other people don't notice the mess until it's out of control. There's no certain personality that doesn't mind a messy area. It's sort of like having a messy room. Some people can care less while it drives other people mad. There are many different types of professional personalities in the working world. Whether you're messy or neat, it's all up to you as to what pushes you the most to perform. Productivity is the most important thing about your workspace. You know what works for you. If you're buried in paperwork and trash, it might be time to clean. If the mess gives you a boost of creativity, leave it right there.


 How does a messy desk affect workflow? Clean your mind from clutter

The state of your desk can have a significant impact on your workflow and productivity. A cluttered and messy workspace can make it difficult to focus and can create a sense of overwhelm, leading to a decrease in productivity. On the other hand, a clean and tidy desk can make you feel more organized and clear-headed, allowing for a more efficient workflow. The state of your desk can also say a lot about your work habits and personality. While some may prefer a clear-cut and conventionally organized workspace, others may feel more comfortable with stacks of papers and an unkempt desk. Regardless of personal preference, it's important to keep your workspace free of unnecessary clutter and distractions to ensure optimal productivity and efficiency.

Workflow isn't easy for most people when they're trying to work around the mess. They spend hours a week searching for lost papers and documents. They dig trying to find pens in the mess. This only increases stress and reduces their focus. Missing information in the chaos can slow down productivity. Businesses want to serve as many customers as possible in the smallest amount of time. Mishandled paperwork doesn't help this issue. While some people don't have any trouble with their workflow in the chaos of mess, others lose productivity in the stress of it all. A messy work area can hurt workflow because it might start to subconsciously stress you out. You might not realize it, but the chaos might start to get to you on a productive level.


 Is a messy desk a sign of genius?

The idea that a messy desk is a sign of genius is a common belief, but it may not be entirely accurate. While some of history's greatest minds, such as Albert Einstein and Mark Twain, were known for their messy workspaces, this correlation doesn't necessarily imply causation. The state of one's desk is a personal preference and may have more to do with individual work habits and personality rather than genius-level thinking. Different psychological studies have shown that a cluttered workspace can hinder productivity and create a sense of overwhelm, so it's important to find a balance between personal preference and optimal workflow.

Albert Einstein is famous for his messy work area. Though we all aren't Albert Einstein, clutter may be good for the mind. Studies show that when you're in a loud coffee shop your brain is actually distracted enough to quiet your internal censors. This makes you more open to creativity. It means when you're faced with the chaos of your workspace, you actually boost those creativity levels. If you can work through the mess without getting distracted, the juices in your mind are flowing quickly. There's something to be said about someone that can be productive in the midst of a tornado. It means they're hyper-focused and can work in pretty much any environment.

A clean workspace is usually best for one's clarity of thought. Many people need a clean space to focus on their work. People as a whole are on-the-go most of the time. When they return to their workspace, it's important to have a clear environment where they can actually think. While some people flourish in a messy environment, many people need control of a clean area. They're able to find important paperwork, locate things quickly and be on top of their professional game. If you're digging through loose papers while a client waits, they might not be very happy. At home, a clean workspace gives the area a fresh feeling. The room is a little lighter and easier to live when it's clean.

Creative office environment as a boost of productivity

A creative office environment can be a major boost to productivity. While some may associate creativity with a messy desk or cluttered workspace, research shows that this isn't necessarily true. In fact, a tidy workspace can make a huge difference in the state of your mind and the quality of your work. Experts say that messy environments can create a sense of disorder and chaos, leading to a cluttered mind and unorganized thoughts. On the other hand, an uncluttered and orderly working space can lead to clear-cut, creative thinking.

Clinical psychologist Scott Bea of the Cleveland Clinic says that cleanliness and organization can also mean less stress and anxiety, which can free up mental energy for more productive tasks. Even Albert Einstein famously said that "If a cluttered desk is a sign of a cluttered mind, of what, then, is an empty desk a sign?" While some may use this quote as a justification for a messy desk, it is important to note that Einstein's desk may have been messy, but it was not cluttered. This means that he had a system in place and knew where everything was.

To create a creative and productive workspace, it's important to keep your desk and office tidy and free of unnecessary clutter. This can mean different things for different people - for example, some may prefer a minimalist aesthetic, while others may want to surround themselves with items that make them feel inspired. Whatever your preference, try to keep your workspace organized and free of distractions.

In addition, incorporating new uses for items in your workspace can produce fresh insights and creative ideas. For example, using sticky notes to brainstorm or allowing yourself to take a snack break with ping-pong balls can break the monotony and help you see things in a new light.

Ultimately, the state of your workspace and the level of cleanliness and organization can have a big impact on your productivity and creativity. As Mark Twain said, "If you want to clean up your mind, first clean up your environment." So, whether you're a student, a teacher, or an employee, keeping your workspace tidy and clutter-free can help you produce your best work and reach your full potential.



Stay organized with binders, cord holders and plastic compartments. You don't have to live or work in chaos. Whether you're a messy genius or a neat freak, your workspace should be a place where you're creative and productive.

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