• Feb 25, 2020

Organization and Mental health: Here is How Being Organized Can Reduce Your Anxiety and Stress


organized desk


Have you ever just stopped and had a serious look at what really surrounds you? How exactly did that make you feel; angry, tense, or overwhelmed? Well, if the answer to any of these is a solid yes, chances are that you are in serious combat with clutter, and the clutter seems to be winning in this case. It's important to start organizing cluttered surroundings and putting things where they are supposed to be.

Studies show that there is a strong positive correlation between being organized. It is one way of ensuring that you avoid last-minute rushes and the anxiety that comes along with it. This way, you will have moments that are more exciting rather than stressful, leaving you feeling all empowered.  Disorganization can cause chronic stress so you may want to start de-cluttering as early as possible for your mental and physical health.


Can being disorganized reduce your anxiety and stress levels? Declutter and Organize Efficiently

The answer to this question is an absolute yes. Being disorganized has a direct impact on your health, as it causes stress and anxiety more than you even realize. It does not end there; being messy comes along with low productivity, obligation, poor time management, sluggish professional growth, financial strain, increased frustration, among many others. 


How can I clean my room in 10 minutes? Help yourself with these tips

For most of us, cleaning up is not exactly in our to-do list of fun activities. However, there is a quick and easy way to get the job done and get you that organized home you so much desire. More often than not, we cannot even explain how we got into this situation of unread books, unsorted clothing, lonely socks, and open magazines in the first place.

Fret not; there is a way to get everything in its right place in just about ten minutes! It is a process that entails taking care of the basics; make your bed, keep dirty clothes together in a neat pile, keep clean clothes where they should be, return any utensils to the kitchen, sort out those paper piles, replace all reading materials, empty the wastebasket, regularly clean your space and the most important one of them all is making it a habit to be organized

How do you decide what to throw away when decluttering? Go clutter free and organize your space 

It's easy and we tend to keep things because somewhere deep down, we believe that we will use these items again. While this might be true to some extent, more often than not, much of this stuff ends up being chaotic. The best thing is that there is an easy way to help you make up your mind; I like to call it the 'Declutter Formula.'

It is quite simple; ask yourself these questions: what is the item's decency in terms of usage? How frequently do you use the item? How easy or hard was it to acquire the item in question? What is the storage and maintenance cost tied to it? The answer to any of these questions will help in making it easier to decide on what to keep and what to dispose. Don't hesitate to complete tasks in time.


Why is a clean house so important for your wellbeing? 

Let's be honest; vacuuming, dusting, tossing, shining, scrubbing, and all that stuff is not all that fun, especially if you have to do it so regularly. However, organized home and space, in general, goes a long way to show who you really are as an individual. Regular housekeeping helps in killing germs, enhancing the quality of our indoor air, improves mental clarity, enhances our homes' aesthetics. Getting rid of distraction in your living space will help you clearing your head. 

Disorganization increases stress-levels and anxiety

Not organized house can be a significant source of stress for many people. When your living area is chaotic, it can negatively impact your physical and mental well-being. The following are some ways in which an unorganized home can cause stress.

Firstly, being a not organized person can create a sense of overwhelm and feeling out of control. When you can't find what you need, or things are not in their proper place, it can be frustrating and anxiety-inducing. A cluttered space can also make it difficult to relax or focus on tasks, as your attention is constantly pulled in different directions.

Secondly, a messy home can also lead to feelings of guilt and shame. Many people feel embarrassed or ashamed when their home is not tidy, and this can add to their stress levels.

Thirdly, an untidy living space can also have physical effects on your health. Piles of clutter can trap dust, allergens, and even mold, which can lead to respiratory issues and other health problems. It can also make it challenging to maintain good hygiene, leading to further health problems.

To combat the stress caused by a uncoordinated house, it's important to clean regularly and find systems to keep things organized. Simple habits like making the bed every morning, doing dishes promptly, and putting things back in their designated places can go a long way in reducing stress.


How does organization help to reduce stress?

When we're stressed, it can feel like everything is out of control, and one of the main culprits is often our surroundings. When you're surrounded by clutter and disorganization, it can be difficult to find things, and every task feels like a stressor. However, there are ways to reduce your stress levels by organizing your workspace. One of the best ways is to pull everything out of your workspace and only put back what you actually need. This means you might donate or store some of the excess supplies, like pens or paper, in a drawer. Labeled folders can help keep important documents in order, and reducing the amount of stuff on your desk can make it less likely that cables or other items will fall off. A study from Princeton University found that people who described their homes as "cluttered" or "full of unfinished projects" were more likely to feel stressed, anxious, and even depressed. Taking just 25 minutes to organize your workspace each day can have a huge impact on your stress levels and help you get things done more efficiently.

Conclusion: Prioritize organization 

We can all agree that our personal space tends to be where we are comfortable the most. A sanctuary where we can be ourselves. As such, taking care of this is highly essential though it's hard. Manage your stress levels by seeing to it that you maintain high organizational levels. Most importantly stay organized and organize your cables, cords and chargers using the cable clip organizer.

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